Remedy DJ CGC TKN lives with me and competes in dock diving and has dabbled in herding and agility. She prelimmed OFA Good hips. Very friendly and social with people and other dogs. No health issues. Remedy is spayed.
MACH Killian HT MXB MJB XF T2B BCAT DM DSA TKI lives in Ohio with Lexie and he is competing in agility and dock diving. He has OFA Moderate hips/Normal elbows and he was chryptorchid. He also suffers from food sensitivities/allergies which is currently managed well with diet and medication. He has been neutered.
Sway lives in Indiana with Kristen, Pace and Kip (Jim x Faith). Friendly and social with people and other dogs. No health issues.
Phoenix lives in Michigan with Jorden, Shelby, uncle sage and his dad Diesel (Charlie x Faith). Friendly and social with people and other dogs. Phoenix was cryptorchid and is neutered. Hip xrays looked great at a year. He was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy at 2 and a half, currently controlled by medication.
Unity DN lives in Kentucky with Shelby and competes in dock diving and disc. She prelimmed OFA Good hips. She is friendly and social with people and other dogs but does have some environmental sensetivity/reactivity. She will not be bred.
Mira lives in Kentucky with Eric. She is dabbling in dock diving and search and rescue training. She prelimmed OFA Fair hips. She has some mild digestion issues that come and go. Friendly with people and other dogs. Mira will be spayed.